Saturday, February 12, 2011

Pleasant Company Logo

Hey, me again.

You know the Pleasant Company logo? Read below..

What It Was: A girl, her long waves swept up by a big hairbow, scanning the pages over the book she holds in her childish hands. Sitting beside her is her brand new Samantha dolly, and they are dressed alike, from the shoes to the hairbow.

What I Feel It Should've Been: A girl, with short hair and side bangs falling over her eyes, covering her face, carefully reading every word in the book she holds. Sitting beside her is her brand new Molly doll, ready for playtime, from her big braids to the rims of her silver glasses.

Why I Think It Should've Been That: Well, it would be much more representative for me and many others. For many other American Girl doll owners, Molly was their first doll. When they opened her, I know for a fact at least half of them had short hair and who knows?? maybe even side bangs like me. I remember, the first thing I did after opening Molly, admiring her, and putting her in her beret, purse, coin, and embroidered hankie, was carry her first book, Meet Molly, up to my parent's bedroom and sat like that, joyfully reading each word, with my treasured Molly. This is by far my most cherished memory. Not only was it Molly, my first dolly, but it was at my old house, which I moved from in early June 2010 and I really miss. Molly started my AG love, and she made my life much, much, much, much, MUCH happier.

Why I Am Annoyed By What It Was: Well, to put it simply...Samantha's story was sad, specifically her fifth book, which was terrifying for me to read, when I only had Molly and Janie, and very scary. I wouldn't like to put ideas and nightmares into young girls heads about being orphaned like Samantha or getting crazy notions about plotting a trip in the forest during a rain storm, getting lost, and watching somebody's head get cut. AG, not a smart move. Samantha's story is also completely unrealistic, and not something girls can relate to (Molly, because their dad might go off to war) or something that is fun to read and DOESN'T scare them (Kirsten, because she's a cheerful girl and sort of encourages a girl to learn a new language) or put crazy ideas into their heads (Molly and Kirsten don't, but baby, Sam does). Also, you don't want girls thinking they'll be rich and get fancy, girly, Victorian era dresses everyday.

Thanks for listening. Just needed to get that outta my system.

Good wishes,


Friday, February 11, 2011

Three Hundered Twenty Third Post!!!!


Oh yeah!! Hey, me, Breeze here. Soo...I want to let you know something.


OK, OK you probably already knew that. But this is horrible and WAAHHHHH!!!!!!! *insert sad song, recording of sympathetic gentle raining, or imagine crying tears, oceans of tears*

As you know, Molly was my first doll (Christmas 2007) and when I opened her, it was really the best, most exciting moment of my life. Mine is always dressed in her meet outfit, because the sweater makes her more huggable and it's made from a soft, nice-looking yarn, her skirt because it's a really nice color and so serious-looking (which I love!!) and her nice white socks and cute little black shoes. Her skirt and little shoes and socks remind me of Maura from Lunch Money when Maura was selling colorful potholders, although I must say Gwen much better fits the look of Maura. I mean, looks EXACTLY like!! Same bangs, hair, and probably eyes (didn't say in the book.) Anyway, new business--cut the sad song, raining, and tearful imagination.

Start the happy, bouncy, thrilled, joyful music, the sound of a cheery flute, or the essence of a cloudless, sunny day!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WHY?????????????!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

PEOPLE I ORDERED JOSEFINA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

100 times these exclamation points are does not even BEGIN to tell you how EXCITED, THRILLED, EAGER, did I mention EXCITED OUT OF MY MIND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have wanted Josefina (along with Molly, of course) since I flipped open my first AG catalog!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! However, I got distracted by so many others.........all in order............Georgia Alexandra "Janie" Bennett (Mia St.Clair: GOTY 2008) Nellysandra Jennifer "Nellie" Bennett (Nellie O'Malley) Emily Ann Bennett, Samantha Annabelle "Sammie" Parkington, Kirsten Chantal "Kristy" and "Krissy" Larson, Chrissa Maryann Andrews, Rebecca Naomi Rubin, Sonali Ramona Matthews, Gwendolyn Kara Thompson, Delanie Lee "Lanie" Holland, but now I wasn't!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Monday, February 7, 2011

I'm Gonna Get Another Doll!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

EEEE people!! Me Breeze...........and guess what!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'm getting oops I almost said it. I'll give you a hint--it's one of these three: Josefina, Kaya, or Addy? Which do ya think? Vote in comment guesses.

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Licorice Love!

Hello everyone!!! And happy soon-to-be Valentine's Day!!!!!

This year my dolls are celebrating a new Valentine's Day system, Licorice Love, that I made!!!! Licorice the black kitty is the official mascot of this heartfelt celebration, and she welcomes you to post a Valentine Card post on your blog, or write a Valentine greeting on this post. My dolls are doing a variety of things to get ready for Licorice Love--Chrissa, Molly, Gwen, and Bekki are playing in the snow (aka on the 2nd shelf on white gym towels with winter clothes on) and Sonali is knocking on the "door" (lower spine on bookcase) and the others--Janie, Nellie, Sammie, Kirsten, and Lanie--are preparing Licorice Love, while all the pets (Starburst, Socks, Pasta, Coconut, Grace, and the mascot, Licorice) are yet to be displayed. Plus, I'm making a cute little LICORICE LOVE sign for their house. Below are website links to cute dolly Valentine crafts!! for cute little Valentine Day crafts--sooo cute!!! you can't go wrong with Jim's Printable Minis, ADORABLE for finding the cutest dollhouse items


May Valentine's Day Fortune Follow You!!!!!


Meet Caroline and Naomi!

Meet Caroline Jones and Naomi Michaels, best friends growing up during 1954.

Caroline Jones (JLY 21) is a positive, inspirational girl growing up during Dallas, TX, in 1954 with a big heart and passion for music. When her choir group goes bankrupt, Caroline must find a way to keep her hobby and save her choir group.

Central Series:
Meet Caroline
Caroline's Good Deed
Caroline and the Nutcracker Ballet
Caroline and California
Caroline in Action
Changes for Caroline

The Ghost of Bayberry Lodge
The Owl's Song
Missing Dress

Short Stories:
The Best Valentine's Day
Solo Song
Flute Finale

Other Books:
In the Kitchen with Caroline
Caroline's Crafts
Caroline's Scenes & Settings
Caroline's Fashion Studio

Choir Group Outfit
Caroline's Holiday Outfit
Caroline's Birthday Outfit
Caroline's Pajamas
Caroline's Bathrobe & Slippers
Caroline's Bowling Outfit
Caroline's Winter Outfit

Accessories & Furniture:
Caroline's Piano & Bench
Caroline's Bed
Caroline's Bowling Accessories
Caroline's Essentials

Also, don't forget to select her petite Asian friend Naomi Michaels (JLY 4)! Naomi's book, entitled Congratulations, Naomi, tells a story of a shy Chinese girl attempting getting used to Dallas.

Friday, February 4, 2011

Meet Kirsten

Hey everyone, again. It's moi, Breeze! And Kirsten, who is wearing down her new 'do, blue calico dress, striped apron w/ hankie, and loose, horrible brown leather boots. BECAUSE THAT'S ALL SHE HAS. Anyway, I love, love, love, LOVE my below!!!

Meet Kirsten Chantal Larson, a bright, bold 11-year-old Swedish-French girl whose big heart is always in the right place as she yearns to be modern. Born in Ryd, Sweden, on June 8, 1844, just after her parents had moved to Sweden from France. Growing up and speaking Swedish and French, it was hard when she moved with her family, Aunt Inger, Cousin Anna, and Cousin Lisbeth. She LOOOOOVES adventure, delight, planning ahead, modern things, dangerous fun, painting, climbing trees, playing the flute and guitar, and just being herself. Plus, she loves all the households' animals-Coconut, Licorice, Starburst, Grace, Socks (Bekki's White Kitten) and Pasta (Bekki's Other Kitty) and is excited to soon welcome Steps High, Sparks Flying, Bennett, Yank, Barksee, Ginger, Praline, Sugar, Honey, and Sugar. Kirsten's dog is cute basset hound Grace!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

CUTE Dollhouse Printables!

Hi peeps! It's Breeze! Emergency post! Doll lovers and cat lovers...PAY ATTENTION! ;) Ooh, plus, I just took out my spunky, special, sassy, spirited, and MODERN Kirsten's braids out! Pure waves, cuteness, silkiness and YAYNESS!!!

For cat & doll lovers: (don't be fooled by the site name, it's totally a dolly dollhouse site! I've already printed the paper Cat Food Printables and Cat Litter Printables cuz I love kitties and my AGs have three: Bekki's 2 kittens and Licorice!)

For dollhouse perfectionists: (haven't printed anything yet, but I'm working on getting stuff for the How To Make Dollhouse Curtains with Paper and I'm about to print the Mini Vintage Magazines)

I'll add some more sites soon....BTW, I do not own any of the sites, I am not the owner. Copyright goes to owners, and if they ask me to remove the site link, I will.